Saturday, July 9, 2011

The 2nd Trimester!

Wow how time flys...I am already 15 weeks and trucking along great. I felt you kick very hard at 14 weeks...but then you went silent for a couple weeks you little turkey. But just this week I have been feeling little flutters and I know its you sayin "Hi mom!" I am starting to show pretty good now, definitely more early on than with Macie : - )

At my last appointment, right at 14 weeks everything looked great. I have not gained any weight which is a good thing so far! She did have a hard time finding you which is always scary for a mom-to-be. But having JUST felt you kick the night before I was confident that nothing was wrong. She did find you eventually... and clocked your heart rate right at 141...which is low...are you maybe a boy? However she couldn't find you since you were sitting up so high...are you a girl?? All "old wives tales" of course, but still fun to guess! Right at this moment I think you might be a girl...but dad is hoping for a boy of course...but we will be thrilled with either : - )

I did have one pregnancy brain moment recently. Billie our dog started acting very funny the other night and we either thought she was sick or that there was gonna be an earthquake! So of course my mind went straight to earthquake : - )  I was so paranoid about it that I took all the pictures off the wall above Macie's bed and even contemplated putting the TV on the floor for safe keeping...just in case!  I even considered calling the insurance man to open an earthquake policy at 9 pm at nite...HA  Well it turns out that we did NOT have an earthquake...I think I am just loosing my mind : - )

At 17 weeks I started panicking that something was wrong so I scheduled a doctors appointment right away...but she found your heart beat much to my relief! I have to wait till 22 weeks to find out your gender...can't wait : - )  At about 21 weeks the baby is kicking kicking all the time. Nick couldn't feel them till right about 22 weeks.   Macie can't wait to meet you, she keeps telling me she wants to rock you...rock you to sleep : - )  She is gonna be a great BIG sister!

The much awaited 2nd trimester ultrasound was last week and this go around we decided to find out the gender...and Macie was right the whole time...she is going to love her BABY SISTER!!! Nick was a little bummed but he got over it quickly : - )  I am absolutely thrilled to have "sisters", they are priceless! But we also found out that the baby is very healthy and no abnormalities thus far... she is even measuring a little ahead of her due date at this point.

Officially her name will be Kelby Lynn Wood. I really wanted to name her after my mom who passed away at such a young age and will never get to meet this little princess, so I changed one letter and absolutely LOVE the name. Her middle name is after her other grandma and it works just perfect. We simply cant wait to meet her already!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Macie's First Movie!!

Monday was an exciting day for us all...we took Macie to see her very first movie in the theater : - )  We saw Cars 2 and it was a lot of fun. It had been 3 years since I have been to a movie! Macie chose to wear her "princess" tutu skirt and "clippy cloppy" shoes...her favorite! We were so eager we got there 15 minutes before the theater even opened HA. After buying our tickets ($6.50 each) and $30 bucks in popcorn/nachos/hot dogs/soda we headed down the dark hallway. The butter smothered popcorn was worth every dollar and calorie and LONG overdue HA!

Macie was excited but a little taken back by the darkness. We got settled and the movie started. She sat so good and just munched on her popcorn for a long time. We had told her that we had to be very quite during the movie a bunch of times before going so that she wouldn't forget, so during the movie she kept whispering to me "Mommy, I be vewy quite : - ) "  with a big smile...she is so stinkin' cute! About half way through the movie she turned to me and said "I wanna go home" but I gave her a fruit snack and she sat through the rest of the movie with no problem.

The movie was great, not AS good as the first, but a great first movie for Macie. The whole experience was much more pleasant than I expected : - )  Can't wait to go again! Hopefully before baby #2 comes along LOL

Friday, July 1, 2011

Macie's Medical Mystery

This week we went through something no parent wants to go through...the moment when the doctor says "Lets may want to sit down." 
It all started about a week ago when Macie started having very high fevers when we were in Chico visiting. They were about 103-104 and were accompanied by a bad rash. We finally went to a prompt care center in Chico and they put her on some antibiotics just to be safe. Well the fevers continued to spike to 103 every 4 hrs all the way though Sunday night. So Monday we went to her pediatric doctor for a second opinion. At that time her eyes had been getting very blood shot and the fevers persisted, with the rash. They sent me home and said to come back Wed. if the fevers continued. And of course they did...this is where the fun began.

Macie went with mommy to work Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday while daddy was out of town working. What a perfect week so far HA! I started noticing that her lips were very swollen and bright red, and beginning to peel. She was also complaining that her mouth and teeth hurt whenever she ate. So at the Wednesday appt. I explained what I had been noticing and as soon as I was finished explaining and the doctor did a quick check of things she new exactly what it was.

She asked me if I had ever heard of "Kawasaki Disease"...of course I had not. Long story short, she explained, I listened while holding back the tears, and we called the pediatric cardiologist (in San Fransisco) for his opinion as well. All the signs pointed to it so we decided to treat. This disease is very hard to diagnose as there is no definitive blood test etc to say "yay" or "nay." But if left untreated and it IS Kawasaki it can cause heart aneurysms/problems which are usually fatal. So they error on the side of caution and treat if the child has 4 or more of the 10 possible symptoms...Macie had 6. Her symptoms included: High fever, rash, swollen lymph node, strawberry tongue, swollen lips, blood shot eyes. So I immediately said "Lets treat her for it." Aneurysms are NOTHING to mess around with.

So she sent us to the hospital immediately for treatment. The sooner the child receives the treatment the better chances of it working. As I was leaving the doctors I texted Nick to GET HOME ASAP...which is the point that I lost it and started baling! I knew everything would be fine, but its still very scary when your child has to be hospitalized. After calling several people and explaining, I finally pulled myself together enough to get to the hospital. Plus, Macie was feeding off of my emotions, and I did NOT want to upset her anymore.

We got to the hospital at about 1:30, checked in, got in a gown, and waited for the IV to be put in. That was the worse part...her hand is so tiny and it was hard to watch. But she did SO good, she cried a lot, but not a lot of squirming and pulling. She was so brave...and daddy and I were too : - )  So after that, basically it turned into a waiting game...12 hours of IV treatment. She received "Immune Globulin," which is an antiviral blood protein. Nick went home to get a few hours of sleep about midnight and I stayed and slept very little : - )  But come morning, we were done and got released about 11:30. We were exhausted but glad it was all over.

Basically what the future holds for her is this: in 3 weeks we go back for another eco-kardia-gram (or however you spell it!) and see a pediatric cardiologist from San Fran. At that point we hope that there are no changes and if not then we get another one in a few months and then she should be good to go. If she is going to have an aneurysm (there is about a 1% chance with treatment, a 23% without) then it will happen in the first month. This was a very scary few days, but we all survived and we hope that Macie will make a full recovery with no lasting issues : -)

Getting ready for her IV to be put in...she just doesn't know it!
                               Her EKG
Snuggling with daddy
Just hanging out...waiting :- )
Sleeping like a baby..surprisingly!
Mommy and Macie, almost done : - )