Life with 2...has been every emotion in the book! I am a month into life with 2 kiddos and I love it already...I am just so thankful to have my 2 girls in my life, sisters are priceless. I wanted to share a couple funny bloopers so far...hopefully you enjoy!
When Kelby was only about a week old, daddy was in their room changing her diaper with big sister watching closely of course! Well as he was removing the dirty diaper, Kelby decided to poo and pee and good one, all at the same time...always fun! Needless to say, he was overwhelmed HA. Then Macie turns to him and says "Daddy, baby sister peed on me!" He looked over at her, and sure enough....the side of her face and hair was dripping wet...yuck! Poor girl, but it was a funny story that Macie loves to tell people : - )
Whoever says that boys are the only ones to pee everywhere never met Kelby! She did it to me about a week later also. This time she peed so hard, it traveled about 3 feet and hit the other side of the window seal and everything in its path HA LOL....this girl makes me laugh already!
The latest blooper we had was at the grocery store. The 4 of us went to Safeway, check out, and started to load into the car. I put Macie in, Nick put Kelby in and we headed home. About 10 minutes later Nick asked me where I had put the groceries....I replied "I didnt' put them in the car... oh shit we left them in the cart!!" Needless to say the groceries were still in the cart when he got back thank goodness : - ) I am thankful it wasn't a child we left in the cart HA
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Kelby's Birthday Story
Kelby was born on a very cool birthday of 2:14 am. Her story began...
When I reached about 38 weeks, the docs noticed I was low on water already so I went onto slightly high risk status, having ultrasounds twice per week and "not-stress-tests" twice a week to make sure baby was ok. The weekend before Halloween we went to the circus that was in town, and I got up Monday to go to work like normal. When I went pee, I noticed something "different" and called the doc who told me to come in that morning to be checked. The results were not conclusive as to whether or not it was my water that had broke or not, so they decided to keep me and induce me at that time due to my low water status anyway.
I had already been having contractions that morning and they progressively got worse throughout the morning. In order to induce me with "cervadil" they had to slow the contractions down, through an IV of lots of fluids. So they began attempting to get the IV in...oh boy! It took 3 sticks, and an emergency room nurse to finally make it happen. By this time it was already 12 pm and the doctors decided that my contractions were too strong to go back, so they started me on pitosin instead at about 2 pm. At that time I was closed completely and just barely starting to thin out. Very discouraging!
After being on the pitosin a few hours, my sister showed up from Chico! It was so great to have her there, Nick and I both needed it LOL. The doctor checked me again and still no progress...uggg. At this point I was starting to get very frustrated because the contractions were getting pretty bad and with very little progress I was starting to think C-Section was in my future! Then the new doctor came on at about 8 pm and we didn't start off on the right foot HA. She wouldn't check me or give me my epidural yet and I was pissed to say the least : - ) I wanted my epidural SOOOO bad and didn't know how much longer I could hang in there with all this pain. I was soooo close to just giving up.
Finally she checked me some time later and low and behold I was 5 cm....freakin YAY!!! So that meant I was progressing great and best part of all, I could have my epidural!!! Unfortunately the anesthesiologist was in surgery and couldn't make it right away so I had to take something else to tide me over. I went with Fentenal, which screws my world up but makes the pain go away for about 20-30 min...thank god. this stuff makes me feel like I am high as a kite! I can't speak clear sentences, my eyes look glazed over, but hey, I am not crying or in pain : - ) So about an hr later I finally got the epidural, but again it didn't work 100%. The same thing happened with Macie, my right side only goes about 1/2 numb, but my left was numb numb. But it was enough to take the edge off and give me a little break before pushing time.
So by now it was about midnight and we knew we were NOT having a Halloween baby! As soon as they checked me again, I was 10 cm and could start pushing when I felt like it. Even with the epidural I was already exhausted and didn't want to be in pain 1 minute longer than I had to be, so we started pushing. I pushed for about an hour and then gave myself a 15 minute break to rest, then we were back at it again. Thank goodness for my laboring crew who helped me through this..I couldn't have done it without them! Andrea, Krista and Nick did such a great job : - ) So after about 2 hrs of pushing, the head was out, but the shoulders were stuck. So quickly the nurses "collapsed" baby's shoulders and out she came in the next push. was all over!
She weighed in at 8 lbs 3.5 oz and was 19 3/4 " long, 14" wide shoulders. We fell in love all over again with this new bundle of joy and couldn't wait for Big Sister to meet her! This was only the second time we had both been away from Macie in 3 years, so we missed her terribly. Yolynn brought her to the hospital to visit us and it was slightly dramatic to start! Macie started crying/screaming and demanding to "go home"....but we finally calmed her down and she was in heaven with her new baby sister as well. Daddy decided to take Macie home and stay with her, leaving mommy and baby for a night in the hospital alone.
Its amazing how great I felt almost immediately as compared to Macie. I did have 2nd degree tares, instead of 3rd degree with Macie. But all in all I felt GREAT! The baby slept so good from hr 1 and we got to go home 2 days later. I was back on my feet right away and am still thankful for such a happy and healthy baby girl, Kelby Lynn.
When I reached about 38 weeks, the docs noticed I was low on water already so I went onto slightly high risk status, having ultrasounds twice per week and "not-stress-tests" twice a week to make sure baby was ok. The weekend before Halloween we went to the circus that was in town, and I got up Monday to go to work like normal. When I went pee, I noticed something "different" and called the doc who told me to come in that morning to be checked. The results were not conclusive as to whether or not it was my water that had broke or not, so they decided to keep me and induce me at that time due to my low water status anyway.
I had already been having contractions that morning and they progressively got worse throughout the morning. In order to induce me with "cervadil" they had to slow the contractions down, through an IV of lots of fluids. So they began attempting to get the IV in...oh boy! It took 3 sticks, and an emergency room nurse to finally make it happen. By this time it was already 12 pm and the doctors decided that my contractions were too strong to go back, so they started me on pitosin instead at about 2 pm. At that time I was closed completely and just barely starting to thin out. Very discouraging!
After being on the pitosin a few hours, my sister showed up from Chico! It was so great to have her there, Nick and I both needed it LOL. The doctor checked me again and still no progress...uggg. At this point I was starting to get very frustrated because the contractions were getting pretty bad and with very little progress I was starting to think C-Section was in my future! Then the new doctor came on at about 8 pm and we didn't start off on the right foot HA. She wouldn't check me or give me my epidural yet and I was pissed to say the least : - ) I wanted my epidural SOOOO bad and didn't know how much longer I could hang in there with all this pain. I was soooo close to just giving up.
Finally she checked me some time later and low and behold I was 5 cm....freakin YAY!!! So that meant I was progressing great and best part of all, I could have my epidural!!! Unfortunately the anesthesiologist was in surgery and couldn't make it right away so I had to take something else to tide me over. I went with Fentenal, which screws my world up but makes the pain go away for about 20-30 min...thank god. this stuff makes me feel like I am high as a kite! I can't speak clear sentences, my eyes look glazed over, but hey, I am not crying or in pain : - ) So about an hr later I finally got the epidural, but again it didn't work 100%. The same thing happened with Macie, my right side only goes about 1/2 numb, but my left was numb numb. But it was enough to take the edge off and give me a little break before pushing time.
So by now it was about midnight and we knew we were NOT having a Halloween baby! As soon as they checked me again, I was 10 cm and could start pushing when I felt like it. Even with the epidural I was already exhausted and didn't want to be in pain 1 minute longer than I had to be, so we started pushing. I pushed for about an hour and then gave myself a 15 minute break to rest, then we were back at it again. Thank goodness for my laboring crew who helped me through this..I couldn't have done it without them! Andrea, Krista and Nick did such a great job : - ) So after about 2 hrs of pushing, the head was out, but the shoulders were stuck. So quickly the nurses "collapsed" baby's shoulders and out she came in the next push. was all over!
She weighed in at 8 lbs 3.5 oz and was 19 3/4 " long, 14" wide shoulders. We fell in love all over again with this new bundle of joy and couldn't wait for Big Sister to meet her! This was only the second time we had both been away from Macie in 3 years, so we missed her terribly. Yolynn brought her to the hospital to visit us and it was slightly dramatic to start! Macie started crying/screaming and demanding to "go home"....but we finally calmed her down and she was in heaven with her new baby sister as well. Daddy decided to take Macie home and stay with her, leaving mommy and baby for a night in the hospital alone.
Its amazing how great I felt almost immediately as compared to Macie. I did have 2nd degree tares, instead of 3rd degree with Macie. But all in all I felt GREAT! The baby slept so good from hr 1 and we got to go home 2 days later. I was back on my feet right away and am still thankful for such a happy and healthy baby girl, Kelby Lynn.
Summer/Fall 2011
Its been a busy busy summer and fall this year, like always! We have been on the road for 6 weekends in a row and wont be "home" for a weekend until 2 more weeks....exhausting but fun!
Some of the fun things we've done this summer include:
1. A Trip to the San Fransisco Zoo and Sunole with Tiffany and her family. We had a great time and can't wait to join them again sometime soon! Macie had a blast at the much to see and do.
2. I cut my hair off! It seems to happen every time I get pregnant LOL I chopped it above the shoulders, and LOVE it! Its easier to do and less weight dragging me down. Plus with a little one short hair is the way to go!
3. Thirty things while 30 lists! Tiff and I came up with a fun idea to create a list of 30 things that we want to accomplish while we are prove to ourselves that we are young and capable and that 30 is just another number. Can't wait to get started checking things off the list.
4. Trinity Lake Camping! We took our first trip to Trinity Lake this summer with an ex-coworker of mine (Yolynn) and had such a great time. Her and her family and friends stayed on a house boat on the lake with jet skis and ski boats...while Nick and I took our trailer up and our little fishing boat. The boat worked out well after we tried to sink it several times! Nick put the boat in the lake and and took off to go park the truck, leaving me, a 2 yr old and 2 dogs on the dock....when I noticed the boat was filling with water...HA We forgot to put the plug in : - ) Then we set adrift, only to get a few hundred feet from the dock and the motor wouldn't run...then we remembered we didn't put the new ores in the could say we are a little "green" at the boating scene : - ) We went for a nice little hike in the mountains and then enjoyed some houseboat time. Macie wasn't so hot on the jet skis...she went for a short ride and quickly wanted OFF! But she LOVED the boat rides : - ) She even got to tube with the older girls around the "no wake" zone. Our dogs of course got to come too and were so well behaved sitting on the shore next to the houseboat for hours.
5. Labor Day at the Woods'! We did a big Labor Day shin-dig this year at our house, it was tons of fun and saved us the hassle of driving! GiGi and GiPa Lee got hotel, Dave and Andrea stayed in our house trailer, dad brought his trailer over and housed Dustin, Krista and Gusto as well. We had a fun filled weekend of beaches, agates, motorcycle riding, shopping, dinners and more!
6. Bill Spoon's Wedding - We took a mini-vaca trip to Redding and stayed in a hotel on the weekend of 9-10-11. It was just a quick overnight trip but good to get away. We got to swim in the pool and enjoy some sunshine!
7. Deer Hunting - This year we hunted early season which started 9-17 and we also hunted 9-23. We seen a handful of deer but nobody killed anything...what a bum! Deer Tag stew just isn't very filling! It was HOT and dry, but we just really enjoyed the weekend with dad and Krista/Dustin...its all about those precious moments with family now-a-days.
8. Macie's Birthday Party - We celebrated Macie's birthday a litte early this year since I was only a few weeks from my due date. We did it at Capre Acres this year, the kids loved the park! We had a horse pinata (a bunch of 2-3 yr olds with a bat...scary!), opened lots of presents, enjoyed delicious and oh-so-cute cake/cupcakes made by Micheal, and enjoyed the hot weather!
9. Pumpkin Patch 10-8-11 - through all the chaos this summer we still managed to squeeze in a trip to the pumpkin patch of course. Macie got to ride the mini horse buggy which she was in heaven about. We ended up buying 130 lbs of pumpkin for 50 bucks, wow that's a lot of pumpkin! When we got home, we decided to decorate our pumpkins on the front lawn, Macie loved making the spiders : - )
10. Nick's Mom, Tori and Thomas came to visit! 10-22-11 To end the summer of fun we had Nick's family over for a visit, we had a ton of fun seeing them as always. We went to beach & agate hunted, enjoyed a great dinner at the Steelhead in Klamath, scarfed down Los Bagels for breakfast, made my belly cast, and just really had a great relaxing weekend with friends and family.
11. The Circus - 10-30-11 - The last weekend before baby was due, we went to the Circus in Eureka. It was ok...Macie enjoyed it and thats all that matters : - ) They didn't have many animals, but Macie got to ride a pony in a circle, and the Elephant....which she was so good at! I thought she would get in line and then panic when it was her turn to get on...but she hopped right on and smiled the whole was great!
Some of the fun things we've done this summer include:
1. A Trip to the San Fransisco Zoo and Sunole with Tiffany and her family. We had a great time and can't wait to join them again sometime soon! Macie had a blast at the much to see and do.
2. I cut my hair off! It seems to happen every time I get pregnant LOL I chopped it above the shoulders, and LOVE it! Its easier to do and less weight dragging me down. Plus with a little one short hair is the way to go!
3. Thirty things while 30 lists! Tiff and I came up with a fun idea to create a list of 30 things that we want to accomplish while we are prove to ourselves that we are young and capable and that 30 is just another number. Can't wait to get started checking things off the list.
4. Trinity Lake Camping! We took our first trip to Trinity Lake this summer with an ex-coworker of mine (Yolynn) and had such a great time. Her and her family and friends stayed on a house boat on the lake with jet skis and ski boats...while Nick and I took our trailer up and our little fishing boat. The boat worked out well after we tried to sink it several times! Nick put the boat in the lake and and took off to go park the truck, leaving me, a 2 yr old and 2 dogs on the dock....when I noticed the boat was filling with water...HA We forgot to put the plug in : - ) Then we set adrift, only to get a few hundred feet from the dock and the motor wouldn't run...then we remembered we didn't put the new ores in the could say we are a little "green" at the boating scene : - ) We went for a nice little hike in the mountains and then enjoyed some houseboat time. Macie wasn't so hot on the jet skis...she went for a short ride and quickly wanted OFF! But she LOVED the boat rides : - ) She even got to tube with the older girls around the "no wake" zone. Our dogs of course got to come too and were so well behaved sitting on the shore next to the houseboat for hours.
5. Labor Day at the Woods'! We did a big Labor Day shin-dig this year at our house, it was tons of fun and saved us the hassle of driving! GiGi and GiPa Lee got hotel, Dave and Andrea stayed in our house trailer, dad brought his trailer over and housed Dustin, Krista and Gusto as well. We had a fun filled weekend of beaches, agates, motorcycle riding, shopping, dinners and more!
6. Bill Spoon's Wedding - We took a mini-vaca trip to Redding and stayed in a hotel on the weekend of 9-10-11. It was just a quick overnight trip but good to get away. We got to swim in the pool and enjoy some sunshine!
7. Deer Hunting - This year we hunted early season which started 9-17 and we also hunted 9-23. We seen a handful of deer but nobody killed anything...what a bum! Deer Tag stew just isn't very filling! It was HOT and dry, but we just really enjoyed the weekend with dad and Krista/Dustin...its all about those precious moments with family now-a-days.
8. Macie's Birthday Party - We celebrated Macie's birthday a litte early this year since I was only a few weeks from my due date. We did it at Capre Acres this year, the kids loved the park! We had a horse pinata (a bunch of 2-3 yr olds with a bat...scary!), opened lots of presents, enjoyed delicious and oh-so-cute cake/cupcakes made by Micheal, and enjoyed the hot weather!
9. Pumpkin Patch 10-8-11 - through all the chaos this summer we still managed to squeeze in a trip to the pumpkin patch of course. Macie got to ride the mini horse buggy which she was in heaven about. We ended up buying 130 lbs of pumpkin for 50 bucks, wow that's a lot of pumpkin! When we got home, we decided to decorate our pumpkins on the front lawn, Macie loved making the spiders : - )
10. Nick's Mom, Tori and Thomas came to visit! 10-22-11 To end the summer of fun we had Nick's family over for a visit, we had a ton of fun seeing them as always. We went to beach & agate hunted, enjoyed a great dinner at the Steelhead in Klamath, scarfed down Los Bagels for breakfast, made my belly cast, and just really had a great relaxing weekend with friends and family.
11. The Circus - 10-30-11 - The last weekend before baby was due, we went to the Circus in Eureka. It was ok...Macie enjoyed it and thats all that matters : - ) They didn't have many animals, but Macie got to ride a pony in a circle, and the Elephant....which she was so good at! I thought she would get in line and then panic when it was her turn to get on...but she hopped right on and smiled the whole was great!
Monday, October 24, 2011
The 3rd Trimester
How time flys!! Can you believe we are in the 3rd trimester already? I can't! But I can definitely feel it LOL...things are getting bigger and bigger and sleep is becoming increasingly more difficult. Rolling over in bed is starting to be challenging as well. Nick is starting to laugh at me already...I look like a beached whale trying to roll on the sand...lovely site!
At our last check up things looked great. The heartbeat was 151...a good strong beat. She said my belly was measuring right on time and I hadn't gained any weight yet. I was down about 10 pounds at one point, but I am back to starting weight at this point and fully anticipate to gain from here on out : - ) We go back to the doc in 3 weeks and then go to every other week check ups!. I can't believe we are already at this point in the pregnancy. Baby is just kicking kicking away all the time, so much fun! Its so comforting to feel her kick, lets momma know that everything is fine. Sometimes if I haven't felt her kick in a while I will poke her and bump her until she wakes up and kicks me a couple time..hehehe. I know it sounds mean, but it makes me feel better!
I am now 34 weeks and still doing very well. I have to say though, #2 is not near as "fun" as #1...because while pregnant with #2 I still have to be a momma to #1! I don't get to sit around and relax when I am tired like doesn't have a pause button : - ) At my last check up I was up about 3 lbs so I still feel great. My belly looks HUGE to me (and most other people) which didn't happen till the last couple weeks with Macie. Putting socks on is NO fun really, and I have gone to slip ons for the most part HA...but hey, I can still get my panties on with no help so that's a plus! The little things are beginning to be BIG shaving, putting lotion on, painting toenails...basically anything below the waste is increasingly more difficult. And beloved sleep is no more. I get up to pee about 2-5 times a night and just can't sleep....uggg! But its just how your body prepares for a newborn I guess : - ) And my ankles and hands are starting to swell a little...I cant wear my rings any longer and my little ankles are showing sock lines now...I think I better slow down!
I am now 38 weeks...but I had an ultrasound Friday and it is showing the baby as already being 7lb 15 oz!!! And that I am getting very low on fluid/water. Her heart beat was 135-138 and we confirmed that "she" is infact a "she" : - ) So I have another check up today and they may possibly induce this week. I have thought that I was further along the whole pregnancy, so I wouldn't consider myself "early" if baby came today : - ) We have had a busy busy couple of months with traveling to Chico and hunting and birthdays so we are ready to welcome this baby and some down-time into our lives! I have only gained about 8 lbs so far...not bad....I started at 245...and am just under 255 now. I am enjoying and savoring every kick, movement and hiccup as I know it will be over very soon! Kelby has not been near as active as Macie was in the womb...she is more of small little movements and mild kicks to enjoy...not full blown karate kicks that I was expecting : - ) We did my belly cast this weekend and it turned out great! Nick and I both realized just how different my belly looks now than with Macie after doing the cast. Macie was much wider and higher(even though we thought she was all out front!) and Kelby is VERY out and in the middle...not wide at all. I can't wait to finish the cast and decorate!
Well this may be it since I am expecting them to induce me sometime very soon! Hope you have enjoyed following my pregnancy and can't wait to write all about my new bundle of joy soon! : - )
At our last check up things looked great. The heartbeat was 151...a good strong beat. She said my belly was measuring right on time and I hadn't gained any weight yet. I was down about 10 pounds at one point, but I am back to starting weight at this point and fully anticipate to gain from here on out : - ) We go back to the doc in 3 weeks and then go to every other week check ups!. I can't believe we are already at this point in the pregnancy. Baby is just kicking kicking away all the time, so much fun! Its so comforting to feel her kick, lets momma know that everything is fine. Sometimes if I haven't felt her kick in a while I will poke her and bump her until she wakes up and kicks me a couple time..hehehe. I know it sounds mean, but it makes me feel better!
I am now 34 weeks and still doing very well. I have to say though, #2 is not near as "fun" as #1...because while pregnant with #2 I still have to be a momma to #1! I don't get to sit around and relax when I am tired like doesn't have a pause button : - ) At my last check up I was up about 3 lbs so I still feel great. My belly looks HUGE to me (and most other people) which didn't happen till the last couple weeks with Macie. Putting socks on is NO fun really, and I have gone to slip ons for the most part HA...but hey, I can still get my panties on with no help so that's a plus! The little things are beginning to be BIG shaving, putting lotion on, painting toenails...basically anything below the waste is increasingly more difficult. And beloved sleep is no more. I get up to pee about 2-5 times a night and just can't sleep....uggg! But its just how your body prepares for a newborn I guess : - ) And my ankles and hands are starting to swell a little...I cant wear my rings any longer and my little ankles are showing sock lines now...I think I better slow down!
I am now 38 weeks...but I had an ultrasound Friday and it is showing the baby as already being 7lb 15 oz!!! And that I am getting very low on fluid/water. Her heart beat was 135-138 and we confirmed that "she" is infact a "she" : - ) So I have another check up today and they may possibly induce this week. I have thought that I was further along the whole pregnancy, so I wouldn't consider myself "early" if baby came today : - ) We have had a busy busy couple of months with traveling to Chico and hunting and birthdays so we are ready to welcome this baby and some down-time into our lives! I have only gained about 8 lbs so far...not bad....I started at 245...and am just under 255 now. I am enjoying and savoring every kick, movement and hiccup as I know it will be over very soon! Kelby has not been near as active as Macie was in the womb...she is more of small little movements and mild kicks to enjoy...not full blown karate kicks that I was expecting : - ) We did my belly cast this weekend and it turned out great! Nick and I both realized just how different my belly looks now than with Macie after doing the cast. Macie was much wider and higher(even though we thought she was all out front!) and Kelby is VERY out and in the middle...not wide at all. I can't wait to finish the cast and decorate!
Well this may be it since I am expecting them to induce me sometime very soon! Hope you have enjoyed following my pregnancy and can't wait to write all about my new bundle of joy soon! : - )
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Happy 50th Birthday Mom!
July 29th 2011 would have been my mom's 50th birthday, unfortunately she only made it to 49. The whole week was a VERY tough week for my whole family, including me. I shed a lot of tears and memories ran through my mind all week long. We just miss her so very much and it reminds me of 2 is not fair, and life is too short, so enjoy every moment. After an agonizing week of tears and emotional roller coaster rides, I decided that She would not want me feeling this way. So I decided to do something fun and make the best of the situation!
I made her favorite cake and bought a big bunch of balloons. We invited Mike and Andrea to join us for dinner at Cher-E-Heights Casino, which was very yummy and great to get my mind off the negative. We all enjoyed her cake at the end of dinner. Then after dinner, Macie, Nick and I went to the's favorite place in the world. I thought it would be fun to wish grandma a Happy Birthday and let balloons go to heaven for her. Macie thought that was a fun thing too! So one by one we released a few balloons then the whole bouquet! We caught the attention of a few fellow beach goers, but it didn't matter because we where there for a good purpose. We all yelled "Happy Birthday Grandma, we miss you!!" It was great closure to the difficult day.

I made her favorite cake and bought a big bunch of balloons. We invited Mike and Andrea to join us for dinner at Cher-E-Heights Casino, which was very yummy and great to get my mind off the negative. We all enjoyed her cake at the end of dinner. Then after dinner, Macie, Nick and I went to the's favorite place in the world. I thought it would be fun to wish grandma a Happy Birthday and let balloons go to heaven for her. Macie thought that was a fun thing too! So one by one we released a few balloons then the whole bouquet! We caught the attention of a few fellow beach goers, but it didn't matter because we where there for a good purpose. We all yelled "Happy Birthday Grandma, we miss you!!" It was great closure to the difficult day.
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Macie LOVING all the balloons on the way to the beach : - ) The truck was FULL! |
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Macie and Mommy just enjoying the moment. |

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Starting to let the balloons go! |
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Happy Birthday Grandma!! We love you : - ) |

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What a beautiful ending to the day. |
Saturday, July 9, 2011
The 2nd Trimester!
Wow how time flys...I am already 15 weeks and trucking along great. I felt you kick very hard at 14 weeks...but then you went silent for a couple weeks you little turkey. But just this week I have been feeling little flutters and I know its you sayin "Hi mom!" I am starting to show pretty good now, definitely more early on than with Macie : - )
At my last appointment, right at 14 weeks everything looked great. I have not gained any weight which is a good thing so far! She did have a hard time finding you which is always scary for a mom-to-be. But having JUST felt you kick the night before I was confident that nothing was wrong. She did find you eventually... and clocked your heart rate right at 141...which is low...are you maybe a boy? However she couldn't find you since you were sitting up so high...are you a girl?? All "old wives tales" of course, but still fun to guess! Right at this moment I think you might be a girl...but dad is hoping for a boy of course...but we will be thrilled with either : - )
I did have one pregnancy brain moment recently. Billie our dog started acting very funny the other night and we either thought she was sick or that there was gonna be an earthquake! So of course my mind went straight to earthquake : - ) I was so paranoid about it that I took all the pictures off the wall above Macie's bed and even contemplated putting the TV on the floor for safe keeping...just in case! I even considered calling the insurance man to open an earthquake policy at 9 pm at nite...HA Well it turns out that we did NOT have an earthquake...I think I am just loosing my mind : - )
At 17 weeks I started panicking that something was wrong so I scheduled a doctors appointment right away...but she found your heart beat much to my relief! I have to wait till 22 weeks to find out your gender...can't wait : - ) At about 21 weeks the baby is kicking kicking all the time. Nick couldn't feel them till right about 22 weeks. Macie can't wait to meet you, she keeps telling me she wants to rock you...rock you to sleep : - ) She is gonna be a great BIG sister!
The much awaited 2nd trimester ultrasound was last week and this go around we decided to find out the gender...and Macie was right the whole time...she is going to love her BABY SISTER!!! Nick was a little bummed but he got over it quickly : - ) I am absolutely thrilled to have "sisters", they are priceless! But we also found out that the baby is very healthy and no abnormalities thus far... she is even measuring a little ahead of her due date at this point.
Officially her name will be Kelby Lynn Wood. I really wanted to name her after my mom who passed away at such a young age and will never get to meet this little princess, so I changed one letter and absolutely LOVE the name. Her middle name is after her other grandma and it works just perfect. We simply cant wait to meet her already!!
At my last appointment, right at 14 weeks everything looked great. I have not gained any weight which is a good thing so far! She did have a hard time finding you which is always scary for a mom-to-be. But having JUST felt you kick the night before I was confident that nothing was wrong. She did find you eventually... and clocked your heart rate right at 141...which is low...are you maybe a boy? However she couldn't find you since you were sitting up so high...are you a girl?? All "old wives tales" of course, but still fun to guess! Right at this moment I think you might be a girl...but dad is hoping for a boy of course...but we will be thrilled with either : - )
I did have one pregnancy brain moment recently. Billie our dog started acting very funny the other night and we either thought she was sick or that there was gonna be an earthquake! So of course my mind went straight to earthquake : - ) I was so paranoid about it that I took all the pictures off the wall above Macie's bed and even contemplated putting the TV on the floor for safe keeping...just in case! I even considered calling the insurance man to open an earthquake policy at 9 pm at nite...HA Well it turns out that we did NOT have an earthquake...I think I am just loosing my mind : - )
At 17 weeks I started panicking that something was wrong so I scheduled a doctors appointment right away...but she found your heart beat much to my relief! I have to wait till 22 weeks to find out your gender...can't wait : - ) At about 21 weeks the baby is kicking kicking all the time. Nick couldn't feel them till right about 22 weeks. Macie can't wait to meet you, she keeps telling me she wants to rock you...rock you to sleep : - ) She is gonna be a great BIG sister!
The much awaited 2nd trimester ultrasound was last week and this go around we decided to find out the gender...and Macie was right the whole time...she is going to love her BABY SISTER!!! Nick was a little bummed but he got over it quickly : - ) I am absolutely thrilled to have "sisters", they are priceless! But we also found out that the baby is very healthy and no abnormalities thus far... she is even measuring a little ahead of her due date at this point.
Officially her name will be Kelby Lynn Wood. I really wanted to name her after my mom who passed away at such a young age and will never get to meet this little princess, so I changed one letter and absolutely LOVE the name. Her middle name is after her other grandma and it works just perfect. We simply cant wait to meet her already!!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Macie's First Movie!!
Monday was an exciting day for us all...we took Macie to see her very first movie in the theater : - ) We saw Cars 2 and it was a lot of fun. It had been 3 years since I have been to a movie! Macie chose to wear her "princess" tutu skirt and "clippy cloppy" shoes...her favorite! We were so eager we got there 15 minutes before the theater even opened HA. After buying our tickets ($6.50 each) and $30 bucks in popcorn/nachos/hot dogs/soda we headed down the dark hallway. The butter smothered popcorn was worth every dollar and calorie and LONG overdue HA!
Macie was excited but a little taken back by the darkness. We got settled and the movie started. She sat so good and just munched on her popcorn for a long time. We had told her that we had to be very quite during the movie a bunch of times before going so that she wouldn't forget, so during the movie she kept whispering to me "Mommy, I be vewy quite : - ) " with a big smile...she is so stinkin' cute! About half way through the movie she turned to me and said "I wanna go home" but I gave her a fruit snack and she sat through the rest of the movie with no problem.
The movie was great, not AS good as the first, but a great first movie for Macie. The whole experience was much more pleasant than I expected : - ) Can't wait to go again! Hopefully before baby #2 comes along LOL
Macie was excited but a little taken back by the darkness. We got settled and the movie started. She sat so good and just munched on her popcorn for a long time. We had told her that we had to be very quite during the movie a bunch of times before going so that she wouldn't forget, so during the movie she kept whispering to me "Mommy, I be vewy quite : - ) " with a big smile...she is so stinkin' cute! About half way through the movie she turned to me and said "I wanna go home" but I gave her a fruit snack and she sat through the rest of the movie with no problem.
The movie was great, not AS good as the first, but a great first movie for Macie. The whole experience was much more pleasant than I expected : - ) Can't wait to go again! Hopefully before baby #2 comes along LOL
Friday, July 1, 2011
Macie's Medical Mystery
This week we went through something no parent wants to go through...the moment when the doctor says "Lets may want to sit down."
It all started about a week ago when Macie started having very high fevers when we were in Chico visiting. They were about 103-104 and were accompanied by a bad rash. We finally went to a prompt care center in Chico and they put her on some antibiotics just to be safe. Well the fevers continued to spike to 103 every 4 hrs all the way though Sunday night. So Monday we went to her pediatric doctor for a second opinion. At that time her eyes had been getting very blood shot and the fevers persisted, with the rash. They sent me home and said to come back Wed. if the fevers continued. And of course they did...this is where the fun began.
Macie went with mommy to work Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday while daddy was out of town working. What a perfect week so far HA! I started noticing that her lips were very swollen and bright red, and beginning to peel. She was also complaining that her mouth and teeth hurt whenever she ate. So at the Wednesday appt. I explained what I had been noticing and as soon as I was finished explaining and the doctor did a quick check of things she new exactly what it was.
She asked me if I had ever heard of "Kawasaki Disease"...of course I had not. Long story short, she explained, I listened while holding back the tears, and we called the pediatric cardiologist (in San Fransisco) for his opinion as well. All the signs pointed to it so we decided to treat. This disease is very hard to diagnose as there is no definitive blood test etc to say "yay" or "nay." But if left untreated and it IS Kawasaki it can cause heart aneurysms/problems which are usually fatal. So they error on the side of caution and treat if the child has 4 or more of the 10 possible symptoms...Macie had 6. Her symptoms included: High fever, rash, swollen lymph node, strawberry tongue, swollen lips, blood shot eyes. So I immediately said "Lets treat her for it." Aneurysms are NOTHING to mess around with.
So she sent us to the hospital immediately for treatment. The sooner the child receives the treatment the better chances of it working. As I was leaving the doctors I texted Nick to GET HOME ASAP...which is the point that I lost it and started baling! I knew everything would be fine, but its still very scary when your child has to be hospitalized. After calling several people and explaining, I finally pulled myself together enough to get to the hospital. Plus, Macie was feeding off of my emotions, and I did NOT want to upset her anymore.
We got to the hospital at about 1:30, checked in, got in a gown, and waited for the IV to be put in. That was the worse part...her hand is so tiny and it was hard to watch. But she did SO good, she cried a lot, but not a lot of squirming and pulling. She was so brave...and daddy and I were too : - ) So after that, basically it turned into a waiting game...12 hours of IV treatment. She received "Immune Globulin," which is an antiviral blood protein. Nick went home to get a few hours of sleep about midnight and I stayed and slept very little : - ) But come morning, we were done and got released about 11:30. We were exhausted but glad it was all over.
Basically what the future holds for her is this: in 3 weeks we go back for another eco-kardia-gram (or however you spell it!) and see a pediatric cardiologist from San Fran. At that point we hope that there are no changes and if not then we get another one in a few months and then she should be good to go. If she is going to have an aneurysm (there is about a 1% chance with treatment, a 23% without) then it will happen in the first month. This was a very scary few days, but we all survived and we hope that Macie will make a full recovery with no lasting issues : -)
It all started about a week ago when Macie started having very high fevers when we were in Chico visiting. They were about 103-104 and were accompanied by a bad rash. We finally went to a prompt care center in Chico and they put her on some antibiotics just to be safe. Well the fevers continued to spike to 103 every 4 hrs all the way though Sunday night. So Monday we went to her pediatric doctor for a second opinion. At that time her eyes had been getting very blood shot and the fevers persisted, with the rash. They sent me home and said to come back Wed. if the fevers continued. And of course they did...this is where the fun began.
Macie went with mommy to work Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday while daddy was out of town working. What a perfect week so far HA! I started noticing that her lips were very swollen and bright red, and beginning to peel. She was also complaining that her mouth and teeth hurt whenever she ate. So at the Wednesday appt. I explained what I had been noticing and as soon as I was finished explaining and the doctor did a quick check of things she new exactly what it was.
She asked me if I had ever heard of "Kawasaki Disease"...of course I had not. Long story short, she explained, I listened while holding back the tears, and we called the pediatric cardiologist (in San Fransisco) for his opinion as well. All the signs pointed to it so we decided to treat. This disease is very hard to diagnose as there is no definitive blood test etc to say "yay" or "nay." But if left untreated and it IS Kawasaki it can cause heart aneurysms/problems which are usually fatal. So they error on the side of caution and treat if the child has 4 or more of the 10 possible symptoms...Macie had 6. Her symptoms included: High fever, rash, swollen lymph node, strawberry tongue, swollen lips, blood shot eyes. So I immediately said "Lets treat her for it." Aneurysms are NOTHING to mess around with.
So she sent us to the hospital immediately for treatment. The sooner the child receives the treatment the better chances of it working. As I was leaving the doctors I texted Nick to GET HOME ASAP...which is the point that I lost it and started baling! I knew everything would be fine, but its still very scary when your child has to be hospitalized. After calling several people and explaining, I finally pulled myself together enough to get to the hospital. Plus, Macie was feeding off of my emotions, and I did NOT want to upset her anymore.
We got to the hospital at about 1:30, checked in, got in a gown, and waited for the IV to be put in. That was the worse part...her hand is so tiny and it was hard to watch. But she did SO good, she cried a lot, but not a lot of squirming and pulling. She was so brave...and daddy and I were too : - ) So after that, basically it turned into a waiting game...12 hours of IV treatment. She received "Immune Globulin," which is an antiviral blood protein. Nick went home to get a few hours of sleep about midnight and I stayed and slept very little : - ) But come morning, we were done and got released about 11:30. We were exhausted but glad it was all over.
Basically what the future holds for her is this: in 3 weeks we go back for another eco-kardia-gram (or however you spell it!) and see a pediatric cardiologist from San Fran. At that point we hope that there are no changes and if not then we get another one in a few months and then she should be good to go. If she is going to have an aneurysm (there is about a 1% chance with treatment, a 23% without) then it will happen in the first month. This was a very scary few days, but we all survived and we hope that Macie will make a full recovery with no lasting issues : -)
Getting ready for her IV to be put in...she just doesn't know it!
Mommy and Macie, almost done : - )
Friday, June 3, 2011
Camping, Camping, Camping!
Trap Shoot and Memorial Weekend in Manton this year were very low key and quite, but super fun and relaxing. Andrea & Dave had there baby just a week before Trap Shoot so they of course did not make it, the first time in over 10 years! But they did come to Memorial and enjoy some cool sunshine with a new baby. Macie just had a blast this year being chauffeured around by her future husband Gabriel ; - ) He is just small enough to drive the Barbie Jeep like a champ, Mace hasn't figured out the steering yet, only the gas!
We did a lot of cooking and eating this year it seems like, but its always good food you would never eat at home. My watermelon was super yummy too, just takes a 4-wheeler to deliver to the perfect spot in the creek for chilling! Dad made strawberry short-cake with homemade biscuits and whip cream which was very very good...fed over 30 people! The weather was great, no rain and perfect 70+ degrees at Trap Shoot, but a little chilly and wet for Memorial, go figure!
We had my dad's "War Wagon" to enjoy both weekends and that was super fun. It fits so many people comfortably its crazy. Plus it holds all the dogs and ice chests too! Tiffany and I decided we both want one : - ) Tiffany and Michael had there newest addition in tow this year also, little Zachery was only 5 weeks old on his first camping trip. Speaking of children...Phoenix (Tiff's black lab) was in heat once again and we have our fingers crossed that Tokin may have made "Love Children" with her FINALLY!! We know for sure Tucker pups will be coming, we just hope Tokin ones will too! Tokin and Phoenix have been love birds for years now...they really just love each other and have fun "making out" all weekend, its so cute.
Macie finally found a new passenger! |
The kids LOVED playing "Mud Pies"...especially the little ones : - ) |
Nick's sister Tori and her friend Kaitlyn |
Auntie Trissy! |
Me and my Sis : - ) |
We had my dad's "War Wagon" to enjoy both weekends and that was super fun. It fits so many people comfortably its crazy. Plus it holds all the dogs and ice chests too! Tiffany and I decided we both want one : - ) Tiffany and Michael had there newest addition in tow this year also, little Zachery was only 5 weeks old on his first camping trip. Speaking of children...Phoenix (Tiff's black lab) was in heat once again and we have our fingers crossed that Tokin may have made "Love Children" with her FINALLY!! We know for sure Tucker pups will be coming, we just hope Tokin ones will too! Tokin and Phoenix have been love birds for years now...they really just love each other and have fun "making out" all weekend, its so cute.
Monday, May 9, 2011
A few of Macie's Funnys!
Macie is 2 1/2 now and is really turning into a funny lil' girl. "Kids say the darnedest things" is so my house lately : - ) Here are a few fun ones I wanted to share from my Facebook account:
- My laugh of the day...Nick and I were having an "annoyed your not potty training" talk with Macie today and I said "Mommy and daddy have to go pee pee in the big potty... would it be ok if Mommy went pee in her panties?" And without missing a beat she says "No, you need a baby diaper on" Little turd...getting so smart and witty with her old age : - )
- My smile this morning: Macie and I were eating breakfast (she only in a diaper and shirt) and something in her chair poked her butt...she says "My wittle butt hurts mom...does your big butt hurt??" Gotta love kids : - )
- Macie redeemed I told her to be nice to Tokin because Tokin was a "nice boy" And she said... " No, I'm a nice boy!" So I say..."No, you are a nice girl hunny" And she says "And daddy's a nice boy" Then I ask "And what is mommy?" She says "A Princess!!" Now that's my girl : - ) !
The First Trimester
The first times! The beginning is always the hardest because its all so new again : - ) This time it flew by, I think because I didn't know for a few weeks and because life is so busy with a toddler that there is no time to dwell on your pregnancy. Even though I wanted to sit and think and rub my tummy just didn't happen this time! Before I knew it, it was 14 weeks and didn't even know it.
This pregnant has been so different from the first in so many ways. I did have morning sickness...but only for about 4 weeks! Yay! It started right at 6 weeks almost on the nose and went away at 10 weeks exactly. I took this miracle drug called "Mommies Bliss - Morning Magic" It is all natural and helped a ton with dealing with everyday life while juggling morning sickness. Whoever named it "morning" sickness was not a female HA! But it was very short lived and well worth every minute of it.
After morning sickness came simply: fatness! Its the stage where you are looking like you ate a little too much and are budging in the tummy area. But not enough bulge to proudly show off a baby bump. I did loose 5 lbs in the first trimester which is good for me. I lost 20 lbs the first trimester last time, but I was also sick for twice as long and it was much worse in general. My friend Tiffany just had a baby and I was complaining to her about my weight and "looking fat, but not pregnant!" and she said "Ya...I feel your pain, I am in that Fat, but NOT pregnant stage!" I thought that was a funny one-liner : - ) About week 12-14 is when I started wanting to wear my maternity pants but haven't succumbed to them yet!
This pregnancy I did get to have a very early ultrasound, to determine my due date. You look like a little alien bean in my belly, see below : - ) The nurses all told me I MUST be 6 weeks because that's what the charts said. But I just knew I was further along. Even the ultrasound tech said to me "Why are you here so early...we aren't going to be able to see anything you know." Then she started the ultrasound and quickly took her words back and said "Oh my, you are all of 9 weeks right now!" And I was so excited!! The heartbeat was 171 and loud and clear. A very reassuring sound for a new momma.
Something fun that begins to happen early is the "flutters." Every pregnant women waits impatiently to feel the first flutter! For me, I was convinced I felt it about 12 weeks...but then I didn't feel anything for a few weeks. So who knows if it was gas or you : - ) Those tickles are priceless and something we all look forward to for sure!
This pregnant has been so different from the first in so many ways. I did have morning sickness...but only for about 4 weeks! Yay! It started right at 6 weeks almost on the nose and went away at 10 weeks exactly. I took this miracle drug called "Mommies Bliss - Morning Magic" It is all natural and helped a ton with dealing with everyday life while juggling morning sickness. Whoever named it "morning" sickness was not a female HA! But it was very short lived and well worth every minute of it.
After morning sickness came simply: fatness! Its the stage where you are looking like you ate a little too much and are budging in the tummy area. But not enough bulge to proudly show off a baby bump. I did loose 5 lbs in the first trimester which is good for me. I lost 20 lbs the first trimester last time, but I was also sick for twice as long and it was much worse in general. My friend Tiffany just had a baby and I was complaining to her about my weight and "looking fat, but not pregnant!" and she said "Ya...I feel your pain, I am in that Fat, but NOT pregnant stage!" I thought that was a funny one-liner : - ) About week 12-14 is when I started wanting to wear my maternity pants but haven't succumbed to them yet!
This pregnancy I did get to have a very early ultrasound, to determine my due date. You look like a little alien bean in my belly, see below : - ) The nurses all told me I MUST be 6 weeks because that's what the charts said. But I just knew I was further along. Even the ultrasound tech said to me "Why are you here so early...we aren't going to be able to see anything you know." Then she started the ultrasound and quickly took her words back and said "Oh my, you are all of 9 weeks right now!" And I was so excited!! The heartbeat was 171 and loud and clear. A very reassuring sound for a new momma.
Something fun that begins to happen early is the "flutters." Every pregnant women waits impatiently to feel the first flutter! For me, I was convinced I felt it about 12 weeks...but then I didn't feel anything for a few weeks. So who knows if it was gas or you : - ) Those tickles are priceless and something we all look forward to for sure!
We're pregnant!
This time around was no walk in the park if you will for getting pregnant. But after 4 months of trying we finally did it! In fact we had no idea I was pregnant until I was already 6 weeks along. I had taken tests every month for the last 2 months and gotten negative results. But then one day I woke up feeling totally sick. I thought to myself..."if I am getting the flu I am gonna be so mad!" I was planning to spend the following week in Chico hanging out with friends and family and did NOT want to be sick for it! So I said to myself "If I didn't know better I would think I was pregnant...but that can't be...I JUST got off my period like a week ago!" So I went home and tested...and BAM...dark line right doubt in it what so ever!
I wasn't sure if I should be excited or scared. I had been through a couple early early miscarriages in the months before this, lost my job in December, my mom passed away in January, and I was SOOO nervous about another miscarriage. But I had to make the decision to embrace this as if it were there to stay with no reservations. And so I did! One side note about WHEN I conceived... it was only 2 weeks after my mom passed. You can think of it as God knew it would be too hard for her to leave knowing I was pregnant...or you can think of it as she was up there rooting for me and all I needed was an angel looking over my shoulder.
Nick and I did decide to wait a while to tell the family and friends just to rule out the possibility of bad news later on. I made a doctors appt. right away before I left town and they confirmed, I actually had a bun in the oven...yay!!! They also had me run some blood tests to check how far along I was. The tests came back very high...which meant Twins...or that I was further along than they thought : - ) Well, at a later ultrasound they revealed that I was already 9 weeks...not 6...which was exciting for me cuzz I didn't know how I would handle being sick for so much longer! And that meant I got to meet you that much sooner : - )
When we finally told (after our ultrasound) we did it creatively. With the help of my good friend Tiffany...we made the following picture to give everyone:
I wasn't sure if I should be excited or scared. I had been through a couple early early miscarriages in the months before this, lost my job in December, my mom passed away in January, and I was SOOO nervous about another miscarriage. But I had to make the decision to embrace this as if it were there to stay with no reservations. And so I did! One side note about WHEN I conceived... it was only 2 weeks after my mom passed. You can think of it as God knew it would be too hard for her to leave knowing I was pregnant...or you can think of it as she was up there rooting for me and all I needed was an angel looking over my shoulder.
Nick and I did decide to wait a while to tell the family and friends just to rule out the possibility of bad news later on. I made a doctors appt. right away before I left town and they confirmed, I actually had a bun in the oven...yay!!! They also had me run some blood tests to check how far along I was. The tests came back very high...which meant Twins...or that I was further along than they thought : - ) Well, at a later ultrasound they revealed that I was already 9 weeks...not 6...which was exciting for me cuzz I didn't know how I would handle being sick for so much longer! And that meant I got to meet you that much sooner : - )
When we finally told (after our ultrasound) we did it creatively. With the help of my good friend Tiffany...we made the following picture to give everyone:
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Welcome to My Blog!
So being a busy working mom I am finding myself to busy to maybe this will help me to "write things down" for later use HA! And I know so many friends who blog and love I thought what the heck, I will try it...what will it hurt : - ) I hope to capture some memories that would otherwise be forgotten and be able to share my mommy moments. So here goes!
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