Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Kelby's Birthday Story

Kelby was born on a very cool birthday of 2:14 am. Her story began...

When I reached about 38 weeks, the docs noticed I was low on water already so I went onto slightly high risk status, having ultrasounds twice per week and "not-stress-tests" twice a week to make sure baby was ok. The weekend before Halloween we went to the circus that was in town, and I got up Monday to go to work like normal. When I went pee, I noticed something "different" and called the doc who told me to come in that morning to be checked. The results were not conclusive as to whether or not it was my water that had broke or not, so they decided to keep me and induce me at that time due to my low water status anyway.

I had already been having contractions that morning and they progressively got worse throughout the morning. In order to induce me with "cervadil" they had to slow the contractions down, through an IV of lots of fluids. So they began attempting to get the IV in...oh boy! It took 3 sticks, and an emergency room nurse to finally make it happen. By this time it was already 12 pm and the doctors decided that my contractions were too strong to go back, so they started me on pitosin instead at about 2 pm. At that time I was closed completely and just barely starting to thin out. Very discouraging!

After being on the pitosin a few hours, my sister showed up from Chico! It was so great to have her there, Nick and I both needed it LOL. The doctor checked me again and still no progress...uggg. At this point I was starting to get very frustrated because the contractions were getting pretty bad and with very little progress I was starting to think C-Section was in my future! Then the new doctor came on at about 8 pm and we didn't start off on the right foot HA. She wouldn't check me or give me my epidural yet and I was pissed to say the least : - ) I wanted my epidural SOOOO bad and didn't know how much longer I could hang in there with all this pain. I was soooo close to just giving up.

Finally she checked me some time later and low and behold I was 5 cm....freakin YAY!!! So that meant I was progressing great and best part of all, I could have my epidural!!! Unfortunately the anesthesiologist was in surgery and couldn't make it right away so I had to take something else to tide me over. I went with Fentenal, which screws my world up but makes the pain go away for about 20-30 min...thank god. this stuff makes me feel like I am high as a kite! I can't speak clear sentences, my eyes look glazed over, but hey, I am not crying or in pain : - ) So about an hr later I finally got the epidural, but again it didn't work 100%. The same thing happened with Macie, my right side only goes about 1/2 numb, but my left was numb numb. But it was enough to take the edge off and give me a little break before pushing time.

So by now it was about midnight and we knew we were NOT having a Halloween baby! As soon as they checked me again, I was 10 cm and could start pushing when I felt like it. Even with the epidural I was already exhausted and didn't want to be in pain 1 minute longer than I had to be, so we started pushing. I pushed for about an hour and then gave myself a 15 minute break to rest, then we were back at it again. Thank goodness for my laboring crew who helped me through this..I couldn't have done it without them! Andrea, Krista and Nick did such a great job : - ) So after about 2 hrs of pushing, the head was out, but the shoulders were stuck. So quickly the nurses "collapsed" baby's shoulders and out she came in the next push. was all over!

She weighed in at 8 lbs 3.5 oz and was 19 3/4 " long, 14" wide shoulders. We fell in love all over again with this new bundle of joy and couldn't wait for Big Sister to meet her! This was only the second time we had both been away from Macie in 3 years, so we missed her terribly. Yolynn brought her to the hospital to visit us and it was slightly dramatic to start! Macie started crying/screaming and demanding to "go home"....but we finally calmed her down and she was in heaven with her new baby sister as well. Daddy decided to take Macie home and stay with her, leaving mommy and baby for a night in the hospital alone.

Its amazing how great I felt almost immediately as compared to Macie. I did have 2nd degree tares, instead of 3rd degree with Macie. But all in all I felt GREAT! The baby slept so good from hr 1 and we got to go home 2 days later. I was back on my feet right away and am still thankful for such a happy and healthy baby girl, Kelby Lynn.

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