Friday, April 27, 2012

Our BABY is 6 Mo Old!!

Cant believe how time has flown...Kelby is 6 months already and just growing so fast. I still am luck enough to have her with me at work for a couple more months, and I am so thankful for this. We have had so much bonding time and its just priceless!

Main things that have happened in the last few months:

1. Kelby was diagnosed with Torticollis...a neck muscle issue. But through physical therapy and tummy time things we have been able to make it almost unnoticeable. My poor baby had a serious head tilt for quite a while!

2. Macie started school! She LOVES it and so do we...she has really blossomed and its fantastic to watch : )

3. Things about my 6 month old:
    * The way she kicks her little legs in my arms while I am holding her baby style. She LOVES to just rest there and stare and coo at me while kicking her little legs like crazy.
    * The language that these sisters have formed together is simply amazing to me already. They can sit and "talk" to each other like crazy! They coo and giggle and laugh hysterically with each other already, it melts my heart : )
    * She is starting to get a little hair, not much, but it looks pretty red so far, fingers crossed!
    * She loves to play peek a boo and the "I drop it you pick it up" game! 
    *ONLY boobie will do for this kid....she hates bottles = we are in trouble : )
    * We have tried food, but she doesn't want it yet. She thinks she does, and will reach and grab like heck for it, but when I give her bites she chokes, gags and spits it out...what a turkey!
    * She rolls over, like a little rollie pollie! Only to the right and back, but I am sure the other side is coming soon! No signs of crawling yet, thank goodness!
    * Up until recently, I was 1 and only to this I have  never seen before. And I have to admit, its pretty flattering : ) But I do feel bad for all the people (including her poor daddy) who got their feelings hurt from a crying baby! But that phase is over as quick as it came.

4. We finally bought a new trailer! We are so excited and cant wait to use it : )  Its a 2004 Prowler...32' long...huge popout, bunk beds for the kids and a big kitchen.

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