Monday, May 9, 2011

A few of Macie's Funnys!

Macie is 2 1/2 now and is really turning into a funny lil' girl. "Kids say the darnedest things" is so my house lately : - )  Here are a few fun ones I wanted to share from my Facebook account:

  • My laugh of the day...Nick and I were having an "annoyed your not potty training" talk with Macie today and I said "Mommy and daddy have to go pee pee in the big potty... would it be ok if Mommy went pee in her panties?" And without missing a beat she says "No, you need a baby diaper on" Little turd...getting so smart and witty with her old age : - )
  • My smile this morning: Macie and I were eating breakfast (she only in a diaper and shirt) and something in her chair poked her butt...she says "My wittle butt hurts mom...does your big butt hurt??" Gotta love kids : - )
  • Macie redeemed I told her to be nice to Tokin because Tokin was a "nice boy" And she said... " No, I'm a nice boy!" So I say..."No, you are a nice girl hunny" And she says "And daddy's a nice boy" Then I ask "And what is mommy?" She says "A Princess!!" Now that's my girl : - ) !
I hope you enjoyed! And I am sure there will be more to come : - )

The First Trimester

The first times! The beginning is always the hardest because its all so new again : - )  This time it flew by, I think because I didn't know for a few weeks and because life is so busy with a toddler that there is no time to dwell on your pregnancy. Even though I wanted to sit and think and rub my tummy just didn't happen this time! Before I knew it, it was 14 weeks and didn't even know it.

This pregnant has been so different from the first in so many ways. I did have morning sickness...but only for about 4 weeks! Yay! It started right at 6 weeks almost on the nose and went away at 10 weeks exactly. I took this miracle drug called "Mommies Bliss - Morning Magic" It is all natural and helped a ton with dealing with everyday life while juggling morning sickness. Whoever named it "morning" sickness was not a female HA! But it was very short lived and well worth every minute of it.

After morning sickness came simply: fatness! Its the stage where you are looking like you ate a little too much and are budging in the tummy area. But not enough bulge to proudly show off a baby bump. I did loose 5 lbs in the first trimester which is good for me. I lost 20 lbs the first trimester last time, but I was also sick for twice as long and it was much worse in general.  My friend Tiffany just had a baby and I was complaining to her about my weight and "looking fat, but not pregnant!" and she said "Ya...I feel your pain, I am in that Fat, but NOT pregnant stage!" I thought that was a funny one-liner : - ) About week 12-14 is when I started wanting to wear my maternity pants but haven't succumbed to them yet!

This pregnancy I did get to have a very early ultrasound, to determine my due date. You look like a little alien bean in my belly, see below : - ) The nurses all told me I MUST be 6 weeks because that's what the charts said. But I just knew I was further along. Even the ultrasound tech said to me "Why are you here so early...we aren't going to be able to see anything you know." Then she started the ultrasound and quickly took her words back and said "Oh my, you are all of 9 weeks right now!" And I was so excited!! The heartbeat was 171 and loud and clear. A very reassuring sound for a new momma.

Something fun that begins to happen early is the "flutters." Every pregnant women waits impatiently to feel the first flutter! For me, I was convinced I felt it about 12 weeks...but then I didn't feel anything for a few weeks. So who knows if it was gas or you : - ) Those tickles are priceless and something we all look forward to for sure!

We're pregnant!

This time around was no walk in the park if you will for getting pregnant. But after 4 months of trying we finally did it! In fact we had no idea I was pregnant until I was already 6 weeks along. I had taken tests every month for the last 2 months and gotten negative results. But then one day I woke up feeling totally sick. I thought to myself..."if I am getting the flu I am gonna be so mad!" I was planning to spend the following week in Chico hanging out with friends and family and did NOT want to be sick for it!  So I said to myself "If I didn't know better I would think I was pregnant...but that can't be...I JUST got off my period like a week ago!" So I went home and tested...and BAM...dark line right doubt in it what so ever!

I wasn't sure if I should be excited or scared. I had been through a couple early early miscarriages in the months before this, lost my job in December, my mom passed away in January, and I was SOOO nervous about another miscarriage. But I had to make the decision to embrace this as if it were there to stay with no reservations. And so I did! One side note about WHEN I conceived... it was only 2 weeks after my mom passed. You can think of it as God knew it would be too hard for her to leave knowing I was pregnant...or you can think of it as she was up there rooting for me and all I needed was an angel looking over my shoulder.

Nick and I did decide to wait a while to tell the family and friends just to rule out the possibility of bad news later on. I made a doctors appt. right away before I left town and they confirmed, I actually had a bun in the oven...yay!!!  They also had me run some blood tests to check how far along I was. The tests came back very high...which meant Twins...or that I was further along than they thought : - )  Well, at a later ultrasound they revealed that I was already 9 weeks...not 6...which was exciting for me cuzz I didn't know how I would handle being sick for so much longer!  And that meant I got to meet you that much sooner : - )

When we finally told (after our ultrasound) we did it creatively. With the help of my good friend Tiffany...we made the following picture to give everyone: