Monday, May 9, 2011

We're pregnant!

This time around was no walk in the park if you will for getting pregnant. But after 4 months of trying we finally did it! In fact we had no idea I was pregnant until I was already 6 weeks along. I had taken tests every month for the last 2 months and gotten negative results. But then one day I woke up feeling totally sick. I thought to myself..."if I am getting the flu I am gonna be so mad!" I was planning to spend the following week in Chico hanging out with friends and family and did NOT want to be sick for it!  So I said to myself "If I didn't know better I would think I was pregnant...but that can't be...I JUST got off my period like a week ago!" So I went home and tested...and BAM...dark line right doubt in it what so ever!

I wasn't sure if I should be excited or scared. I had been through a couple early early miscarriages in the months before this, lost my job in December, my mom passed away in January, and I was SOOO nervous about another miscarriage. But I had to make the decision to embrace this as if it were there to stay with no reservations. And so I did! One side note about WHEN I conceived... it was only 2 weeks after my mom passed. You can think of it as God knew it would be too hard for her to leave knowing I was pregnant...or you can think of it as she was up there rooting for me and all I needed was an angel looking over my shoulder.

Nick and I did decide to wait a while to tell the family and friends just to rule out the possibility of bad news later on. I made a doctors appt. right away before I left town and they confirmed, I actually had a bun in the oven...yay!!!  They also had me run some blood tests to check how far along I was. The tests came back very high...which meant Twins...or that I was further along than they thought : - )  Well, at a later ultrasound they revealed that I was already 9 weeks...not 6...which was exciting for me cuzz I didn't know how I would handle being sick for so much longer!  And that meant I got to meet you that much sooner : - )

When we finally told (after our ultrasound) we did it creatively. With the help of my good friend Tiffany...we made the following picture to give everyone:

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